The objective of the San Joaquin Estate Planning Council is to further the growth and scope of the estate planning services its members can render to the public by intelligent cooperation and understanding the relationship each professional bears to the others and to the others and to their clients.
Membership is open to professionals who shall have practiced in their profession for 4 or more years and are able to demonstrate that their practice is active in the estate planning field. Application is made in writing through the invitation of 2 member sponsors who attest to the qualification of the applicant.
Annual dues are $325.00, to be submitted once the application for membership has been approved by the board. (Those that enter after the first meeting can prorate the check for their dues at $50.00 plus $75.00 membership fee times the number of meetings remaining in the year). The annual dues provide for the expenses of the council, including the cost of dinners for members.
Members may feel free to invite colleagues and/or associates as their guests to meetings; however, there is a $30.00 per person guest charge. The name(s) of the guest(s) should be submitted to the board coordinator prior to the meeting and the check be paid at the check in table.
Please note: member’s dining privileges are nontransferable (i.e. no member can send a guest to dine “in his/her place” – all non-members must pay the guest charge).
Due to Covid, members will not be charged for the 2021-2022 Membership.